Contact Leslie Mills

Phone: 415-794-9296

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have been blessed with so much this year and I am grateful for my family, friends and life in San Francisco.  My mom and sister flew up Thanksgiving Day to celebrate with us and Audrey was thrilled to have company.  Despite a sweet potato explosion in the kitchen, dinner was delicious and we had a lovely visit.  Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and I'm excited for the holiday season to continue!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Little One

Here is my little one who motivates me to grab my camera every day and capture those precious moments.  Time flies by too quickly but I love being able to look back through Audrey's photo albums and see how my baby has grown into a toddler.  One day, I hope she will enjoy looking through her albums with me.